

公司名称: 广州亿俐缇国际货运代理有限公司番禺分公司
公司地址: 广州市番禺区东环路东环街128号
联系人: Verna叶
电话: 020-22938769
传真: 020-22938769
E-mail: angel@elite-globalcargo.com
公司简介: 亿俐缇国际自成立以来,业务不断拓展壮大,中国到中东专线现已经成为我们优势产品之一。我们的服务包括空运、海运、专线、特快专线、进出口、查询、全球货运代理服务。公司开启了中国到迪拜、沙特、科威特、多哈、巴林等国空海运包税双清门到门派送一站式服务,公司可提供单证,有超强的清关能力,真正地为顾客提供优质的服务。 Since Elite global cargo was opened, our business becoming stronger and stronger and now China to middle east become one of our superior products. Elite include air transport service, sea transport service, special line service, express line service, import service, export and inquiry service, global freight forwarding service etc. Our company opened the one-stop service from China to Dubai, Saudi, Kuwait, Doha, Bahrain that duty include,double-customs clearance,door to door. Not only can we offer the documentation but we can also have stronger ability in customs clearance. We offer satisfied service for customers. 公司主要服务的海外区域是中东地区阿联酋、沙特、科威特、巴林、卡塔尔等,现延伸到非洲、欧洲、南美洲、澳洲,服务区域覆盖了160多个国家的主要运输区域。在国内,公司的服务区域从华南先后扩展至华东、华北、东北、华中、西南,从大陆延展到香港。亿俐缇国际货运建立全球合作运输代理伙伴100多个;在中国建立15个区域性中转枢纽,各省市可提供国际进出口操作服务网络,分别加大广州、深圳、浙江、北京,成都机场的空港服务,在全国进行营销。 Our main service areas are middle east,such as UAE, Saudi, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and so on. Now, we develop to Africa, Europe, and south America, Australia, connecting more than 160 countries logistics service area. In China, our service from mainland of China also linking to Hongkong. Elite global cargo build up 100 connecting destination points around global world network. We provide 15 connecting destination in China, provide city pick up for exporting, focus on Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhejiang, Beijing, Chengdu as major sending goods airport . We provide service around mainland of China.
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  • 联系方式
  •  客服专员:Maggie
  •  电话:0411-82817405
  •  手机:13074155751
  •  微信:13074155751
  •  E-mail:
  • forwardersmart@wiffaorg.net