

服务类型: 出口代理
标题: 阿联酋迪拜专线 货运海运空运 双清关包税门到门 散货整柜
服务介绍: A~Halie_广州同晟: 我司专注中东货运十几年、利用公司独有优势及资源整合、为你提供特色专线服务。 因迪拜繁杂的海关、高成本税费、我司可代理清关、为你省时、省心、省力、省钱。 联系:15383109514 邮箱:Halie@tc-logistics.cn A~Halie_广州同晟: Our company focuses on the Middle East freight for more than ten years using the company's unique advantages and resource integration to provide you with special special line services. Due to Dubai's complicated customs high cost taxes and fees our company can be the agent of customs clearance saving you time worry labor and money. A~Halie_广州同晟: 我司专注中东货运十几年、利用公司独有优势及资源整合、为你提供特色专线服务。 因迪拜繁杂的海关、高成本税费、我司可代理清关、为你省时、省心、省力、省钱。 联系:15383109514 邮箱:Halie@tc-logistics.cn A~Halie_广州同晟: Our company focuses on the Middle East freight for more than ten years using the company's unique advantages and resource integration to provide you with special special line services. Due to Dubai's complicated customs high cost taxes and fees our company can be the agent of customs clearance saving you time worry labor and money. A~Halie_广州同晟: 我司专注中东货运十几年、利用公司独有优势及资源整合、为你提供特色专线服务。 因迪拜繁杂的海关、高成本税费、我司可代理清关、为你省时、省心、省力、省钱。 联系:15383109514 邮箱:Halie@tc-logistics.cn A~Halie_广州同晟: Our company focuses on the Middle East freight for more than ten years using the company's unique advantages and resource integration to provide you with special special line services. Due to Dubai's complicated customs high cost taxes and fees our company can be the agent of customs clearance saving you time worry labor and money. Wechat:15383109514 E-mail:Halie@tc-logistics.cn
省份: 广东
城市: 广州市
联系人: halie
联系方式: 15383109514
信息发布公司: 广州同晟国际货运代理有限公司
在线询价 进入公司主站
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信誉级别: 信誉级别4
公司评价: 好(0),坏(0)
注册时间: 2024-02-19