

公司名称: 中海集运
公司地址: 上海市浦东区
联系人: 李立
电话: 021-22335427
传真: 021-22335426
E-mail: shark.1825@163.com
公司简介: Article 4 With the approval of the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Commerce, a foreign investor may invest in and operate international maritime transportation in the following forms: 第四条 经交通部和商务部批准,允许外商采用以下形式投资经营国际海运业: (1) to establish a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture or a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture to engage in international shipping services, international shipping agency services, international ship management services, loading and unloading of international shipments and international maritime container freight station and container yard services; (一)设立中外合资、中外合作企业经营国际船舶运输、国际船舶代理、国际船舶管理、国际海运货物装卸、国际海运集装箱站和堆场业务; (2) to establish a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture or a wholly foreign-owned enterprise to engage in international maritime cargo warehousing services; (二)设立中外合资、中外合作、外商独资企业经营国际海运货物仓储业务; (3) to establish a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture or a wholly foreign-owned enterprise to offer routine services for the vessels owned or operated by the investor. (三)设立中外合资、中外合作、外商独资企业为投资者拥有或者经营的船舶提供日常业务服务。 Article 5 A foreign-funded international shipping enterprise to be established shall meet the following conditions: 第五条 设立外商投资国际船舶运输企业,需符合如下条件: (1) having vessels suitable for employment in international maritime transportation, among which there must be vessels of Chinese nationality; (一)有与经营国际海上运输业务相适应的船舶,其中必须有中国籍船舶; (2) vessels under employment shall be in compliance with the technical standards for maritime traffic safety as set forth by the State; (二)投入运营的船舶符合国家规定的海上交通安全技术标准; (3) having bills of lading, passenger tickets or multimodal transportation documents; (三)有提单、客票或者多式联运单证; (4) having senior executives with the professional qualifications as set forth by the Ministry of Communications; (四)有具备交通部规定的从业资格的高级业务管理人员; (5) in case of establishing a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture or a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture, the proportion of investment made by foreign investors shall not exceed 49%; (五)以中外合资或中外合作企业形式设立,外商的出资比例不得超过49%; (6) the chairperson of the board of directors and the general manager shall be appointed by the Chinese side after consultation between the both sides; (六)企业的董事长和总经理,由投资各方协商后由中方指定; (7) other conditions specified by laws or administrative regulations. (七)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。
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