

公司名称: 海南泛洋船务代理有限公司顺德分公司
公司地址: 顺德大良
联系人: SAM
电话: 0757-22307161
传真: 0757-22307171
E-mail: samexport@21cn.com
公司简介: HAI NAN P O SHIPPING CO.,LTD.(P O SHIPPING for short),established by the Administration Bureau of Yangpu Economic Development Zone for the purpose of implementing the instructions of our president Hu Jintao when he inspected Yangpu in April 2008, is a comprehensive shipping company . As a a wholly Stated-owned company, P O SHIPPING shoulders the glorious mission of promoting and accelerating the development of the port & shipping industries of Yangpu Zone as well as invigorating the economic of Hannan Province. Under the leading of many experimental shipping experts, with a highly-efficient team, HAINAN P O SHIPPING makes a difference in line design and value-chain application
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  • 联系方式
  •  客服专员:Maggie
  •  电话:0411-82817405
  •  手机:13074155751
  •  微信:13074155751
  •  E-mail:
  • forwardersmart@wiffaorg.net